Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 258

Chapter 258


Chapter 258: Deeply Concerned


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Was it Gu Zit s insatiable desires, or was it that Boss Su simply wasnt up to the task?

Upon observing Gu Zi, she didnt seem like a woman consumed by lustful abandon. Therefore, the conclusion was evident  Boss Su was falling short.

Jin Long had never anticipated that Su Shen, who appeared to be an epitome of masculine endurance in that particular department, would be inadequate!

During his encounters with Su Shen in the bathhouse, Jin Long had envied the imposing, charismatic physique of the man, not to mention the astonishingly formidable presence beneath his waist. It was hard to believe that such a man could be lacking in performance!

It was probably the result of years of abstinence. No matter the size of the equipment, three decades of disuse would require some time for adjustment.

Jin Long even began to worry about his own prolonged singlehood, pondering if men truly couldnt suppress their needs for too long.

He found Boss Sus tactics cunningly amusing. Despite needing to go to town the next day, Su Shen had asked others to make purchases, likely to hide his inability to satisfy his wife.

But Jin Long understood  no man wants to appear deflated in front of his woman.

He decided to visit the old village doctor to procure some tiger bone wine. After all, he considered Boss Su a brother and didnt want his friends sxual wellbeing to be compromised. Jin Long wanted Su Shen to regain his virility.

With a plan in mind, Jin Long prepared to deliver pork to the towns butcher shop. The doctors place wasnt far from there, and the trip wouldnt interfere with his work at the pig farm. It was an ideal arrangement.

Unbeknownst to Su Shen and Gu Zi, Jin Long was deeply concerned about their marital happiness. After bidding Gu Zi farewell, Su Shen returned to his office and then went to inspect the temperature control in the pigpens.

Later, when they were short-handed during a pig slaughter, Su Shen took the initiative, skillfully and professionally butchering the animal. His technique and poise were so adept that it almost seemed as if a biology professor or a surgeon was at work. His charisma even made the grisly task of slaughtering a pig seem stylish.

After the task, Su Shen showered and returned to his office in fresh clothes.

Jin Long, having completed his meat delivery by mid-afternoon, returned boasting of a fine bottle of liquor he had acquired, attracting the attention of the resting men.

Upon inquiry about the drink, Jin Long revealed it was medicinal wine from the village doctor, inviting everyone, including Su Shen, to partake. He discreetly asked Lin Cheng to invite Su Shen, knowing well his brother-in-law wouldnt refuse.

Jin Long felt his efforts were considerate and subtle. He wouldnt directly tell Su Shen that the wine was meant to bolster his little brother; he would realize it himself.

Mens pride in such matters was delicate, and as a brother, Jin Long intended to protect Su Shens dignity. There was no need for explicit explanations.

After all, tiger bone wine was harmless to men, and sharing it with everyone ensured that Su Shen wouldnt feel embarrassed.

Drinking after a days hard work at the pig farm was normal.

Jin Long prided himself on his thoughtfulness and meticulous care.

Sure enough, Su Shen accepted Lin Chengs invitation and joined the men for a drink. Jin Long further contributed peanuts and sliced pig ears as snacks, encouraging Su Shen to drink more for a potentially different experience that night. My Brother Shen, drink more. Tonight will definitely be different!

Unaware of the true nature of the wine, Su Shen initially joined in the drinking without suspicion. However, Jin Longs insinuations made him cautious, fearing the wine might contain something more.

Some of the men, sensing the distinctive taste, anticipated a passionate evening with their wives.

The brief respite lasted only five minutes before everyone returned to their respective tasks-

Jin Long followed Su Shen into his office, leaving another bottle of the special wine on his desk.

Ive saved this one especially for you, take it home and enjoy it slowly.

Busy with calculations, Su Shen found Jin Longs persistent chatter distracting, merely asking him to leave the wine on the table..

